TEBO, a.s. declares that the used packaging meets the requirements for placing the packaging on the market and that it is involved in the EKO-KOM system. For all packaging material that TEBO, a.s. markets with its products, it pays a fee for the take-back and utilization of packaging waste by EKO-KOM, a.s., under the identification number F06021024, on the basis of a joint performance agreement.
TEBO, a.s. performs contineously the inspections and measurements and confirms that waste water management is carried out in accordance with:
- Czech legislation No. 254/2001 of the Water Act which is in accordance with the European Regulation EN No. 91/271 EEC
- integrated license of 09.06.2010

TEBO, a.s. became the winner of the Award for the main annual project entitled Year of New Energy 2024, which was announced by AMSP ČR (the Association of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Tradesmen of the Czech Republic) at the Gala evening of the Day of Entrepreneurs of the Czech Republic on Thursday, November 7, 2024, at the Ambassador Hotel in Prague. The competition highlights Czech companies that do business in the Czech Republic and have devoted energy over the past year to transforming their operations with an impact on technological, social and climate changes.